


Thank you if you have taken the time to respond to our 网上音乐兴趣表格. If you have not done so, please click on the link and do so now. 这个信息 is extremely helpful to us in planning for student interests.

Although you will not have to declare a major until late in your sophomore year, it is advisable to begin planning now. If you are considering the possibility of majoring in music, you will keep the most options open if you begin your core courses (theory in particular) as soon as possible. I would encourage you to register this fall for one of the theory courses, MU 241 (Materials and Structures of Western Music I, which counts toward the major) or MU 141 (Foundations of Theory & 音乐技巧),设计 for students who do not have the theory background to jump directly into the major 课程. For guidance regarding the question of "What music theory course should I take?" 查阅链接页面.

We give a diagnostic exam to place students into the appropriate Music Theory class. There are two ways of looking at what is the best placement for you: placing into a more advanced course moves you more quickly into upper-level courses in musicology and composition; enrolling in a lower course allows you to consolidate your mastery 基本原理. If you have already studied theory, I would encourage you to brush up on the basic concepts before taking the test. 低音和低音都很熟练 treble clefs is particularly essential to placing into MU 241. 很少,一些学生 will place directly in to MU 242.

Your success as a musician will be enhanced if you develop a range of fundamental musical abilities in listening, in singing, and on the keyboard. 音乐系 offers courses designed to develop these skills: MU 107 and MP 197, along with the 合唱. We encourage you to take advantage of these courses as early in your time 尽你所能去火博体育.

会有 系综 auditions scheduled during orientation period and during the first week of classes. Please check your orientation materials when you arrive for a schedule of these auditions.

If you are interested in private lessons, you will need to contact the teacher in your performance area (see the contact list of performance faculty) as soon as possible during the first week of classes. 如果你不能直接说话 to the teacher, leave a note 在ir mailbox (Zankel 111) with your name, telephone number, your schedule, and some information about previous study. 在一些表演中 areas, there is an audition involved. Also, please note that there are additional fees for private instruction (check the course descriptions for MP 281 and MP 381 在 学院音乐部 目录). Please be sure to discuss this with your parents, because the fee for lessons will be billed separately from tuition and other fees.

音乐系 offers a rich array of courses designed for general liberal arts students as well as for music majors and minors. These courses cover Western classical music, non-Western musics, jazz, and popular music. I would encourage you to explore 这些众多的产品. If you have any questions about the academic courses in the 音乐系, please use this contact list of classroom faculty.

One of the most amazing things about music at Skidmore is the number of great concerts 我们每学期都提供. We have four great series that feature guest musicians, the Filene, the Sterne, the Moore, and Carnegie Hall Premieres. 而且我们有很棒的教员 and student recitals, and performances by our many first-rate 系综s. 腾出时间 在你的日程表上 赞克尔音乐会. 你不会后悔的.

I would be happy to discuss these possibilities with you, and I look forward to meeting you at the beginning of September.
