

Coming from one of the nation's top liberal arts colleges, it’s no surprise that Skidmore 学生和毕业生在同龄人中脱颖而出. 但是受过良好的教育,准备充分 预计. 在这里,我们创建 意想不到的.

The result: socially responsible citizens eager to contribute to the complex world 以多样化、创造性和鼓舞人心的方式工作. 这是什么意思?? 下面是五个例子. 

1. 他们的想法不同.

商务课的学生学习A liberal arts education is all about connecting different ideas, considering all 观点和研究的各个方面. 把它应用到工作中,你就有了 talented workers who can pivot, create, adjust and jump into 近 every challenge.
Add a top-notch education in their selected major, or often a dual major, and you’ll see why, time and again, companies return to Skidmore to recruit interns and employees :

  • above-average spoken and written communication abilities;
  • 较强的批判性思维能力;
  • 令人印象深刻的职业准备;
  • 无限的好奇心;
  • comfort working effectively in diverse teams; and
  • 相信 创造性思维很重要.

Skidmore student interns for women's issues nonprofit2. 他们建立社区,激发同志情谊.

Skidmore students are involved both in and out of the classroom. They are at their best when they’re helping another person, team or passion project 向前迈进,正如他们所展示的那样:

Also, the many touchpoints they have with other leaders and top community organizations help them develop the maturity and mindset of those far ahead of them in their careers.

火博体育大学毕业的学生各不相同3. 他们认真对待多样性、公平和包容.

There may be fewer than 3,000 students at Skidmore, but they come from 近 70 different 他们来自不同的国家,说着几十种不同的语言. 不管他们在哪里,他们都是 all passionate about fostering diverse and inclusive conversations and connections. 这只是他们的一个核心部分.
While they’re on campus, students also engage in the multifaceted elements of diversity, 公平与包容. That includes learning to respect — and advocate for — varying 社会文化特征,例如:

  • 竞赛;
  • 种族的;
  • 性别认同与表达;
  • 性取向;
  • 国家起源;
  • 第一语言;
  • 宗教和精神传统;
  • 年龄;
  • 能力;
  • socioeconomic status; and
  • 学习风格.

学生推销商业计划4. 他们是精明的企业家.

火博体育有很多 这是你可能期待的荣誉, but did you know it's also repeatedly named one of “America’s Most Entrepreneurial 大学”? We believe creative thinking and the liberal arts foster entrepreneurship, 但我们也在投资. Skidmore is dedicated to supporting students as they define 追求他们的梦想.
From our annual “Shark Tank”-like business competition that hundreds of students participate in each year, to self-directed research projects that bring them from the Amazon rainforest to the Great Barrier Reef and everywhere in between, our students develop an impressive ability to build their own paths from Point A to Point B.  

学生在社交会上与雇主建立联系5. 他们有专业经验.

Forget the old image you might have of a creative liberal arts school. 这些都是严肃的 students taking intense courses with robust professional and social schedules.

Consider this: 84% of students graduate with at least one internship on their resume, 74%的人有两个或两个以上. 但这还不是全部. While they’re interning, they’re also publishing professional-level research, completing a full course load, leading at least one club and competing in 顶尖的学术和运动场所.
Our students are fresh, young and eager, but they're also experienced young professionals. 总之,他们准备好了.


“Skidmore teaches you how to mix aesthetic and creative appreciation with business 敏锐度,工艺和技术. 这对我们来说是很好的候选人.”

Dana Naberezny, 95年
Vice President, Jewelry Design and Innovation Workshop at Tiffany & Co.

"As a studio art and math double major and a four-year athlete, I feel that there are very few things in the world you can do with only one skill set or mindset. 这是 why the open-mindedness I developed in college is so important. 在蒂芙尼 & Co., I draw from all the different areas of knowledge I built and refined at Skidmore."


"Working with the Skidmore 职业发展中心 has been a true pleasure. 是否 it’s a major recruitment event or setting up a specialized virtual interview day, I’ve been able to connect with amazing students at Skidmore.  我期待着继续 this partnership to enable Skidmore students career opportunities at Weill Cornell!"


"My journey to my first job is a map through Skidmore’s career development opportunities. From supporting my pursuits of international internships to introductions that opened doors, the CDC has been a continuous resource in helping me shape, plan and go after 我的未来."


of students are employed or pursuing further education a year after graduation
of students interact with the 职业发展中心 by the end of sophomore year
of students complete an internship or professional experience (with 74% completing 两个或更多!)
of graduates say their jobs relate to their career goals. 这比 文理学院的全国平均水平.