校外学习 & 交流



At 火博体育大学, global education is essential to a student’s academic career. We view global education holistically, providing a variety of curricular and extra-curricular opportunities for students, with off-campus study serving as the central component. 学生 that study off-campus benefit from access to diverse course offerings and expanded internship, research and community involvement opportunities; they also engage in substantive ways with different cultures, gain new perspectives, and acquire important 生活技能. 在个人层面上,许多在校外学习的学生报告说 that it is a transformative experience that helps them develop greater independence, 适应能力,以及更广泛和创造性思考的能力. 这些都是特征 that prove invaluable as our students navigate today’s complex, interconnected world.

Given the incredible benefits of off-campus study, Skidmore is committed to providing 对所有学生开放. 为此,校外学习与交流办公室 (OCSE) has developed a portfolio of domestic and international off-campus programs, representing a wide variety of disciplinary and geographic options, all of which have been endorsed by Skidmore’s academic departments and have been deemed to enhance the 校园课程. 因此,校外学习是一种综合教育 experience available to all students regardless of major or academic area of interest.


Given Skidmore’s belief in the value of off-campus study, we are committed to making 这个机会对所有学生开放,无论经济背景如何. 这个 end, in 2005 the College implemented a fee structure that allows all students to access 校外学习机会. 火博体育国际学校的学生, domestic or exchange program 会被收取火博体育综合费用吗 for their 校外学期或学年. 综合费用相当于火博体育的学费, room at the on-campus apartment rate, board if applicable, and mandatory college fees. 学生 receiving financial aid are able to carry their aid to an approved off-campus study program, removing any financial barriers that many of our students might face.

Skidmore chooses which off-campus study programs we approve based on their quality and academic fit; we do not choose programs based on their cost. 结果,火博体育 comprehensive fee will differ from the fees of the program provider; some programs’ 费用低于综合费用,有些费用高于综合费用. 在所有情况下,学生 会被收取火博体育综合费用吗. 收取的费用是综合的 fee policy are utilized in support of global education initiatives, including the fees for students studying off campus, the structures and staff needed to support the off-campus study office and programs, global development opportunities for faculty and staff, extra-curricular programming, and, above all, financial aid to allow access 为所有学生提供校外学习. 任何多余的费用都被纳入学院的学费 一般基金和用于支持学院作为一个整体.

学生 studying off campus will be billed by Skidmore’s Bursar for their semester 或者在校外学年使用与校内学期相同的流程. In turn, 火博体育大学 will pay the off-campus study program providers directly.

注意: 学生 studying off campus must be approved by OCSE and, once approved, must adhere 到这里概述的综合收费结构. 火博体育不允许学生 to take a leave for a semester or academic year to study off-campus and transfer credits 回到大学.


Since its implementation in 2005, we have realized numerous institutional benefits 从校外学习的综合收费结构来看.

  • 扩大所有学生的入学机会,无论其学术或经济需求如何. 学生 are able to use their financial aid for off-campus study, allowing them to choose programs that fit their academic goals instead of being limited due to program cost. (联系 Skidmore's Financial 援助 Office for more information on your specific aid 包.)

  • Increased student participation from ~30% prior to this structure to ~55% currently. The current structure has been successful in ensuring that students across the College are able to take advantage of all of the educational opportunities Skidmore offers.

  • Substantially strengthened connections between on-campus and off-campus academics. Student choose from programs that connect to their on-campus majors and minors, shifting 重点是学术而不是旅游业. 学生现在可以完成专业, minor and other degree requirements keeping them on their timeline for graduation. In addition, we have been able to make improvements in the internationalization of 校内课程和教师参与全球倡议.

  • 显著提高课程质量的学生可以访问. 由于行政管理的增加 and faculty oversight, including a structured program evaluation system for all off-campus programs, OCSE is able to continually monitor the academic and student support structures 我们的合作伙伴计划,并作出相应的回应.

  • 加强对校外留学生的校内支持. 学院是 able to provide the staffing needed to ensure students are supported in an ever more 复杂的世界. OCSE在整个过程中为学生提供必要的指导, including program selection, application and preparation support, assistance with course selection and registration and grade collection, and health and crisis response 还有学生不在时的管理.


Off-campus study is now viewed as an integral part of a Skidmore student’s education. Even so, studying off-campus is a significant decision that we encourage students 与家人/监护人讨论.   重要的是要考虑学术 and financial implications of studying off-campus for a semester or academic year 在你承诺这么做之前.  

The OCSE staff is available to answer questions and address concerns, please feel 免费拨打(518)580-5355,电子邮件- ocse@火博体育.edu 或者安排一个约会 http://www.火博体育.edu/ocse/advising.php.